You know how Dr. Who always starts with something weird happening? Like unexpected plagues of spiders or people behaving strangely? I’m expecting Jodie Whittaker, the fab new doctor, to appear at any moment now because, in my life, time has been collapsing. For how else to explain that it is suddenly November, with jingle bells and sleighs appearing in every shop front? It was only May last time I looked.
Continue reading Berlin, Beijing, Brussels and Beyond
Category: Travel
Fish, Brains and Dancing
Sometimes I have weeks which are memorable on several counts. Well, here’s a corker. I found myself making a film about Alzheimer’s with some extraordinary scientists, had a day of fishy surprises in Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, and finally found myself dancing with Darcey – yes, her Strictly Dameship herself – on stage, in front of a couple of hundred people.
Continue reading Fish, Brains and Dancing
September: my manic month
Milan was the first stop in a manic month of travel. I was hosting Live@ERS, a daily TV feed at the European Respiratory Society international congress.
Continue reading September: my manic month
Future Energy Forum, Astana
I’ve spent some time last month in Kazakhstan hosting two conferences in the Future Energy Forum series, one on the role of cities and the other on the role of policy. A standout speaker was Professor Mohan Munasinghe, joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace with Al Gore.
Continue reading Future Energy Forum, Astana
August: A month of rest for most, but not me!
We are only 10 days into the month of August and so far I have been very busy. Here are three completely contrasting things I have been doing so far:
Here’s a commentary from me, just published in Nature . Continue reading August: A month of rest for most, but not me!